Wednesday, October 13, 2010

EU police mission complicit in Israeli, PA rights abuses

David Cronin, The Electronic Intifada, 12 October 2010

"....The reality is far from glamorous. Rather than helping to nurture institutions that could prove essential in a future Palestinian state, both the EU and US are acting as proxies for the Israeli occupation. Moreover, they are acquiescent in human rights abuses perpetrated by Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces against the Palestinian people.

Contrary to the impression frequently created by news stories, the PA does not have a police force that can justifiably be viewed as independent of Israel.....

The extent to which Dayton may have advised forces loyal to Fatah to resort to brutal means in attacking Hamas supporters has not yet been revealed. One thing that is clear, however, is Dayton's understanding that his job was to underscore the Palestinian Authority's subordination to Israel. "We don't provide anything to the Palestinians unless it has been thoroughly coordinated with the state of Israel and they agree to it," he has said.

Daud Abdullah, director of Middle East Monitor, a research institute in London, says it is inconceivable that Dayton was unaware of the abuses conducted by Palestinian security forces. "There has been no let-up in abuses as far as we know," Abdullah added. "The fact that money is still flowing and [international] officials are still on the ground makes them culpable for what is happening."

COPPS has a budget of nearly 7 million euros ($9.7 million) for this year. This sum appears small on its own. Yet it cannot be separated from the wider support that the EU gives to the Palestinian Authority, which amounts to 947 million euros since 2008.

Europe's representatives rarely miss an opportunity to trumpet their generosity to the Palestinians. Although donors are undoubtedly financing the provision of many essential services in the occupied territories, tough questions need to be asked about a great deal of this aid and how it is being tailored to serve Israel's interests. Few taxpayers would be pleased to know that their hard-earned euros are subsidizing an illegal occupation and the systematic human rights abuses that go with it."

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