Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gaza Victims Trumped by Talks

by Fred Abrahams
Human Rights Watch

"Late last week the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah sent a cruel message to the civilian victims of laws-of-war violations during the Gaza conflict: we won't demand justice for your suffering.

The message came in the form of a resolution drafted by the Palestinian Authority at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. The PA had the chance to increase pressure on Israel and Hamas to punish those responsible for war crimes. Instead, it opted to tread water, stalling justice and turning its back on victims, the vast majority of whom live in Gaza.

If critics who say the Palestinian Authority is out of touch with the needs of Palestinians require evidence, last week's resolution provided it in spades.

According to diplomats in Geneva, Ramallah thought it needed to dampen the call for investigations to keep the fragile peace talks with Israel on track. But neglecting the victims of the conflict will not aid peace. It will undermine the already tenuous faith that many Palestinians have in the Palestinian Authority: how can it negotiate a fair settlement if it won't demand justice for egregious crimes?....."

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