Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I want to exercise my birth right as well...

Since Israel and Zionist are insisting on having the world and Arabs recognize Israel as a "Jewish State" or a State for "Jews only" or a "Jewish and Democratic" state.

This new twist in the negotiations has triggered debate and points of views that are very varied , some believe this insistence on the Jewishness will create an apartheid state where non-Jews will become seventh class citizens , and some fear Israel will proceed with an ethnic cleansing procedure of the 1.2 million Palestinian Arabs living in "Israel". Some see this as the only way "Israel" will survive some see this is the demise of "Israel". I was talking to one Jewish friend recently who told me that he did not feel he needed to exercise his birthright to go and live in "Israel" , because he preferred living in the USA more. Now I thought about it for a good two minutes... Here is a clean cut gentleman who never been to "Israel", does not speak Hebrew,  does not observe most Jewish holidays, does not go to the temple , does not keep Kosher and does not observe the sabbath, yet he has the BIRTH RIGHT to go and live in "Israel" as "Jew" since being Jewish has nothing to do with religion apparently and has to do with what your ancestors decided to worship. While most of my Palestinian friends can NEVER go back although their families have been living there for hundreds and hundreds of years and lost their land in 48 or 67 (a very well documented recent case of exile)

Yes I know I am not writing anything new here but an Idea came to me while hearing him talk about his birth right:
Why not have all the Palestinians convert to Judaism and then have them exercise their birth right and go back to their land. I mean they have a better claim to it than 95% of the Jews who are not native to Palestine , and invented the myth of exile and are using the murky line between culture/religion/nation to colonize Palestine. if Palestinians go through a mass conversion (we need a cool Sheik to allow it to happen on the Muslim side , and a cool rabbi to do mass conversions to help expedite the process) within a few years all
Palestinians who where kicked out of their land , can go back and claim it back , they can even live on stolen land in the west bank without anyone complaining , how cool is that ? This solves all the problems we are facing:
  • Israel does not become an Apartheid state (since it is homogeneous now )
  • No need to worry about any UN resolution since the refugees are now back and they can even colonize Jerusalem, even a cooler idea
  • No need to worry about ethnic cleansing since the population inside Israel converted as well 
  • Jewish and Democratic will allow the "new Jewish immigrants" to vote in the new Jewish party "Khamas" into power
  • Through national democratic referendum  everyone votes on whether Zionism should be the allowed to exist and by a majority of  the new Jewish vote it will be defeated (no reason for it anymore)
  • The new Jews can democratically change the name of their country since they are a majority now to Falasteen.
One consequence is that a number of Israelis of European descent will find Palestine too crowded with  "darker Jews who can dance and make better hummus than we do" and will decide to exercise their original birth right and go back to the truly democratic and secular European states they came from. I am starting the conversion process immediately , I am circumcised already (thank God) so it should be easy , I am contacting the local temple and started looking at real estate in Akka , birth right here I come !!

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