Friday, October 8, 2010

Jazza for Gaza: Music against Oppression

By Gilad Atzmon
Palestine Chronicle

" Sarah Gillespie, myself and at least 40 other leading artists from UK and Palestine are trying to achieve the impossible next week.

We are promoting and playing together in a massive music festival for Palestine. We are flying musicians to London, we are mixing jazz with folk with hip hop and roots music. We all believe one thing - that artists who support Palestine must say so loudly and proudly using our notes and our voices. Jazza Festival is serious but is also a big party and we want you to join in.

Jazza Music Festival 12 & 13 October 2010 @ THE SCALA
275 Pentonville Road, London

For lineup: click here.
From 7.30 pm

The funds raised in these 2 nights will help Free Palestine Movement deliver more and more humanitarian aid to Palestine......"

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