Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nazzal asks Arab summit to break the siege on Gaza


How stupid and naive can you be Hamas?

The Arab regimes are as impotent as you are; they take their orders from Washington, and they do not give a damn about Palestine and the Palestinians. The Arab regimes were far better defenders of the Palestinians after the Nakba in 1948 than they are today. Now, not only will they not fight for and with the Palestinians, today THEY FIGHT THE PALESTINIANS. This is how badly things have changed.

I think that the Palestinians had better awareness and were better focused in the 1930s than they are today.

With the likes of Fatah and Hamas the Palestinians have no hope left.

Go issue another edict against women Mr. Nazzal and go celebrate another graduation of kids who have memorized the Qur'an.

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Political bureau member of Hamas Mohammed Nazzal has asked the Arab leaders, scheduled to meet in Libya on Saturday, to agree on breaking the siege on Gaza and to open the Rafah crossing without any hindrances.

Nazzal, speaking at a ceremony in honor of the participants in the lifeline 5 aid convoy to Gaza hosted by resistance factions in Damascus on Tuesday night, also urged the Arab leaders not to give a cover for negotiations with Israel and to reject direct negotiations......."

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