Friday, October 22, 2010

Peres: ME Peace Can Help US Battle Iran, We can’t Exist without US. What a Guy! Wants to Help US by Making US Die for Him!


"22/10/2010 “Israel could aid the United States in its attempts to thwart Iran's nuclear program by pushing forward with peace talks with the Palestinian Authority,” Israeli President Shimon Peres said Thursday, adding that Israel couldn’t exist without US.

Speaking at a meeting of worldwide Jewish leaders in occupied Jerusalem as reported by Haaretz, Peres said that while "Israel cannot give America what it gives us, we, in our small way, can help the U.S. by putting an end to the minor conflict with the Palestinians and allowing it to focus on the main threat – Iran."

Peres said that, "for our existence, we need the friendship of the United States of America."

Speaking of how Israel can give back to the US, he said that just "as the US is trying to understand the security needs of Israel, we Israelis ourselves must understand the security needs of the US."...."

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