Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sayyed Nasrallah: "What Iran Wants in Lebanon Is What Lebanese Want"


"14/10/2010 Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday stressed that Iran had no scheme of its own to implement in Lebanon and the region.

Speaking through a giant TV screen during a mass rally in honor of the visiting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his eminence said: "There are those ... who speak of an Iranian scheme for Palestine, for Lebanon, for the Arab region ... and work to strike fear into governments and peoples."

"What Iran wants for Lebanon is what the Lebanese want. What Iran wants in Palestine is what the Palestinians want. That is the Iranian scheme."

“There are those who continually spread [the idea] that Iran is a source of strife and strives to tear apart the ranks. Here we must testify that the Iranian Islamic Republic is one of the greatest guarantees for an end to wars and the support of the people in our Islamic world today,” Sayyed Nasrallah told an ecstatic crowd of tens of thousands that gathered at the Raya stadium in Beirut Southern Suburbs....."


With all due respect to Sayyed Nasrallah, who I admire for his intellect and honesty, I partially disagree with his characterization of the role of Iran. It is not a role above reproach nor a role motivated by pure and altruistic motives.

True, Iran has supported Lebanon and is supporting the Palestinians. But in each case, Iran has its motives. In the case of Lebanon, south Lebanon is Iran's front line to strike back at Israel, in case it decides to strike Iran.

In the case of the Palestinians, this is a hot button issue and supporting the Palestinians is like motherhood and apple pie. It is always very popular politically, especially when the Arab regimes not only have abandoned the Palestinians, but have taken Israel's side against them (witness the Pharaoh for example).

But to go as far as saying that what Iran wants is what the Arabs want, I disagree Sayyed Nasrallah. Iraq is the best illustration of that. In Iraq, Iran played a dirty role and it indirectly helped the US invasion and prevented the Shi'a from resisting the invaders. The Fatwas of Sistani were crucial in that regard. Also, supporting the puppet regime of Maliki and supporting a sectarian constitution and a sectarian "government" under occupation, all have contributed to the dismemberment of Iraq. The role of the death squads, armed and directed by Iran, in the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad and in deepening the sectarian division can hardly be construed as "what the Arabs want."

You let me down Sayyed Nasrallah; my respect for you is still high, but it went down a notch.
You could have been more honest about Iran's role in Iraq, but you chose not to tell the truth to power.

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