Thursday, October 7, 2010

US citizens cautioned against EU travel

Interview with a historian and investigative journalist, Gareth Porter
Press TV

Press TV:Gareth Porter, is there an attack involving people from somewhere in Europe, Africa, South or Central Asia to take place in Europe or North America at some point of time? It's a good portion of the global population as suspects to take place on a large area, rather a bit of a stretch don't you think?

Porter: Yes, I think this is highly suspicious; particularly, in light of the checkered history of past use of various sorts of alerts for political purposes without very much of a foundation in concrete intelligence. Furthermore, I think even more importantly at this point, is the specific context in Pakistan, where the United States has just carried out these cross-border raids, which are clearly intended as a signal to Pakistan. This is against the background of a US policy that has been quite frustrated of course with the Pakistani policy toward the militants in the Fata area. This particularly includes the Taliban from Afghanistan.

The United States government wants the Pakistani government to take on in a much more aggressive way than it's willing to do. We now know from Bob Woodward's book that various people in the US government had actually proposed that the United States some time retaliate by carrying out 120 bombings of sites in Pakistan in retaliation at some point for failure of the Pakistani government to act as the United States wanted. So, I think that is the real context here, in which this terror alert has been announced......."

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