Friday, October 22, 2010

WikiLeaks War Logs: 391,832 Iraq War Files Released to Media

Documents Reveal Civilian Killings, Ignoring of Torture

"...According to WikiLeaks’ twitter, the documents were made available in advance to “TBIJ, IBC, Guardian, Spiegel, NYT, Le Monde, Al Jazeera, Chan4, SVT, CNN, BBC,” all of which are expected to release coverage related to it. Al-Jazeera is running an hour-long special beginning at 5:00 PM Eastern. Below is a list of the coverage so far from these sites, more will be added as they are available.

The interactive: Every death mapped
The story: How US ignored torture
The deaths: 15,000 previously unlisted
Grim toll at Iraq’s checkpoints
Men who tried to surrender killed
‘No further action’ – US order on abuse
How friendly fire became routine
No answer for deaths of journalists
Apache helicopters kill 14 civilians
Serial abuse by coalition troops
Civilians in the crossfire
Crazy Horse’ and collateral damage
Reports Detail Iran Aid to Iraq Militias
Civilians Paid War’s Heaviest Toll "

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