Monday, November 15, 2010

Al-Jazeera Video: Witness - Valleys of Hope and Despair

"The battle over access to clean water sources is ongoing across the West Bank, with illegal Israeli settlements frequently blocking access and polluting Palestinian farmers' irrigation. But in the valley of Wadi Fukin, Palestinian and Israeli villagers work together on projects to preserve water supplies and protect their local environment. This cooperation is exceptional in the region, but the huge gains both sides have made are now threatened. The separation wall is approaching and will physically divide the communities, putting an end to their collaboration and adversely affecting local water sources. Local farmer Abu Mazen, some of his neighbours and their Israeli counterparts took the authorities to court to halt the construction of the wall. This timely film looks at an issue of crucial importance to both Palestinians and Israelis and sets the context to the villagers' legal fight."

1 comment:

  1. The stories and the characters in this film "Valleys of hope and despair" directed by Joshka Wessels were originally filmed for the film project "Share The Drop" in July-August 2009 by me and Joshka Wessels as a Co directors. The Salfit Valley, Wadi Fukin Valley and the characters Abu Atia and Abu Mazen were filmed in 2009 and more than 20 hours of video material is already filmed by me and her for the film "Share the Drop" including the Elders visit to Wadi Fukin and Tsur Hadasa in August 2009, Joshka Wessels altered the idea of Share the Drop to the idea of Valleys of hope and despair and altered the Webdoc platform to another project (The Blue Peace) without my consent and submit it to the training workshop at EsoDoc 2011 without my consent Joshka Wessels Stolen the video material and the original idea and She didn’t fulfill my financial dues for my work for 7 months as a Co-director.
