Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election 2010: A Disaster for Peace

But look for the silver lining…

by Justin Raimondo, November 03, 2010

"The expected Election Day Republican “wave” that broke over our heads is a disaster for the anti-interventionist cause in the immediate sense – but there may be a silver lining.

The disaster is embodied in the various GOP warmongers who will be placed in key positions in Congress, and a good case could be made that among the worst of the worst will be the probable majority leader in the House: Eric Cantor.

Cantor is a walking, breathing stereotype, a neocon through and through, who pays lip service to the “tea party”-ish idea of limiting government spending, but is in reality committed to lavishing tax dollars on any project as long as it can be somehow construed as contributing to US security.......

Although I have often suggested that Obama might turn to war in order to pump some semblance of life into the economy, now we have David Broder, the mandarin of the establishment columnists, saying the same thing. After describing the President’s helplessness before the vagaries of the business cycle, he avers.....

Aside from the fact that the war did not lift us out of the Depression – see Robert Higgs for the real storythis scenario is perfectly credible. As a self-described political pragmatist, the President is prone to taking the easy way out, and while the economy may not improve as war preparations are ratcheted up, this is not likely to deter either Obama or his Keynesian economic advisers, who believe that any and all government spending – including military spending – is the key to recovery....."

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