Sunday, November 7, 2010

Full Haaretz expose / How the state helped right-wing groups settle East Jerusalem

A Haaretz investigation shows the state used a controversial law to transfer East Jerusalem assets to the rightist organizations Elad and Ateret Cohanim without a tender, and at very low prices.

On October 8, David Be'eri started his car in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan and drove off. What happened next has been seen by millions of viewers and surfers: Two children threw rocks at his car. An instant later, one was thrown up onto the front windshield, while the other was pushed aside by the car's bumper. This incident further escalated the violence that has made Silwan a theater for clashes between Palestinians and settlers and police for the last year.

Silwan Emil Salman

The Elad organization, which Be'eri founded, has settled some 500 Jews at 15 sites in Silwan to date. Ateret Cohanim, which was founded by Mati David and specializes in gaining control of assets in the Old City in general, and the Muslim Quarter in particular, has brought 60 Jewish families to this quarter, along with hundreds of yeshiva students.

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