Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hezbollah accuses Israel of infiltrating its mobile network

Contributed by Haider


"BEIRUT (AFP) – Israel bugged the mobile phones of members of Lebanon's Hezbollah, allowing it to send false text messages and to track the phones' movements, a senior Hezbollah MP and a government expert said on Tuesday.

"The enemy (Israel) has succeeded in planting secret lines ... in the mobile phones of some members of the resistance," Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah said in reference to his Shiite party at a press conference with Telecommunications Minister Charbel Nahhas.

"After a lengthy, complex investigation ... it was revealed that three resistance members were using local mobile phones which had been deliberately sold to them after being implanted with secret Israeli lines" by a Lebanese spying for Israel, he said.

Fadlallah, chairman of parliament's media and telecommunications committee, said the Shiite movement had cracked the case in coordination with military intelligence after police zeroed in on the three Hezbollah members as possible Israeli agents.

It turned that the three suspected agents were in fact the victims of the Israeli bugging, Fadlallah said....."

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