Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Latest "Al Qaeda" bomb plot, not halal but kosher baloney

Wayne Madsen Report
Posted by Evelyn

"cargo planes flying into the United States with special delivery bombs "from Yemen with love" is just another ploy to instill fear into the American body politic prior to a major mid-term election. The more the Mossad and its CIA friends concoct these phony "Al Qaeda" stories, the more ridiculous they appear. Underwear bombs, Times Square fizzle bombs, shoe bombs, and now UPS and FedEx printer cartridge bombs are all out of the Austin Powers school of campy spy comedies. The only item missing is Maxwell Smart's shoe phone, although that is probably where the terror spinmeisters got the idea for Richard Reid's ill-fated shoe bomb.

Yemen has become the newest neocon "Island of Dr. Moreau" for terrorist training. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan have surpassed their shelf lives for the neocon imagineers. Somalia never quite made the cut: modern-day pirates became old hat for the Fox News purveyors of bovine excrement masked as news and Somalia is "so nineties" anyway. But Yemen, next door to Saudi Arabia and a nation involved in a civil war and, moreover, the site for the successful "October Surprise" false flag attack on the USS Coleprior to the 2000 election that helped propel Bush and Cheney into office, perfect. Yemen is, once again, ready for its close up, Mr. DeMille. Lights, camera, action: package bombs from Yemen away!....."

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