Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Live The Libyan "Revolutionary" Leader (How much $ do I get for this?) Muammar Gaddafi's 'cultural' tours to Libya for Italian models revealed

Italian girls hired by a hostess agency encouraged to convert to Islam by the Libyan leader.

Tom Kington in Rome
The Observer, Sunday 28 November 2010

"The travel diary of a Roman model has provided a compelling insight into bizarre "cultural visits" arranged by the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, for scores of attractive young women from Italy.

Maria M, aged 28, declined to give her full name, but allowed the Observer to examine her account of a lavish trip to the Libyan desert in October after she was recruited by the Rome-based agency Hostessweb. In her diary Maria tells of an eccentric week-long tour for which she and 19 other young women were reportedly each paid €3,000.....

But there also appears to have been a religious motive. "He asked if any of us were interested in converting [to Islam]. We all looked at each other and then, incredibly, two girls rose up, something I never thought they would do," wrote Maria, adding that she believed bonuses had been offered to the "converts". Gaddafi developed a taste for preaching to Italian women [is it before or after he sleeps with them??] during his 2009 visits, and again in August this year.....

After looking at photos of their trip, Gaddafi turns to proselytism. "He tells us most of Europe will turn Muslim thanks to the entry of Turkey into the EU… that we must embrace Muhammad's faith because Christ predicted that a prophet would come after him to take his place."

Then, with Libyan TV filming, Gaddafi converted the two girls who stepped forward. "That brings the converts to seven or eight," said Londero. "Sometimes they kneel before him while it is broadcast on TV."......"

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