Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Lying Clown: “I Will Not Join the Zionist Movement”


"06/11/2010 Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat equates Israel's request at recognition as a “Jewish state” with a request to join the "Zionist movement," army radio reported on Saturday.

Erekat reportedly made the remark [What a liar! Even the collaborator-in-chief, Abbas, clearly indicated that he has no problem recognizing Israel as "the Jewish state." Abbas said, "Israel can call itself whatever it wants; if it considers itself a Jewish state, that is fine by us."] during his visit to Washington where he has met with US Middle East envoy George Mitchell, as well as other senior State Department officials, saying "they [Israel] want me to join the Zionist movement. I will not."

In addition, he said, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must choose between settlements and peace, referring to the reason peace talks were stalled on when building moratorium expired on September 26. The Palestinians have demanded a resumption of the freeze as a condition for rejoining direct talks.

Last week, Erekat said that the Palestinians are willing to give the United States at least two more weeks [what a joke! The clown is "giving" his masters (who pay him and keep him in that PA) the time they need! Yep.] to break the impasse in the peace process and to return both sides to the negotiating table, despite a looming deadline set by the Arab League.

Despite the fact that the Arab League on October 9 gave the US only 30 days to find a way to continue the talks, Erekat said the Palestinians were willing to give the US the time it needed."

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