Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sic transit gloria Obama

(Click on cartoon by Khalil Bendib to enlarge)

By Pepe Escobar
Asia Times

"The US electorate has decided to reward a bunch of clowns and crooks responsible for America's political, economic and cultural debacle in the first place. Democrats sowed the seeds of their own doom by failing even to try to live up to 2008's collective rapture over "Change we can believe in". After taking a "shellacking", it's about time for President Barack Obama to start playing offense [Are you kidding?? Do you know where can Obama get a spine implant, Pepe?]......

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right

The heart of the (sorry) matter is that Obama and the Democrats did not even strive to meet the great expectations awakened by the 2008 "Change we can believe in" collective rapture. They sowed the seeds of their own doom instead. No wonder they were deserted en masse by young people, ethnic minorities, pacifists and environmentalists while at the same time masses of enraged centrists, moderates and independents sought refuge in the right. Add to it the electorate's gullibility in its manipulation by corporate media.

He could start by firing everyone at the White House. It won't happen. Get ready; white Obama will eat him for breakfast in 2012. "

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