Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turkish James Bond enters dangerous waters to take on Israeli flotilla raiders

A film in which a Turkish hero seeks revenge for attack on Gaza aid ships could further strain ties between Turkey and Israel

Ben Child and agencies, Tuesday 16 November 2010

"He is known as the Turkish James Bond, a seemingly invincible special forces agent who has taken on the country's enemies time and time again in a series of TV shows and movies. Now Polat Alemdar, star of the Valley of the Wolves franchise, is turning his attention to the Israelis.

The latest Alemdar film, titled The Valley of the Wolves – Palestine, is due to hit cinemas on 28 January. It portrays its hero leading a revenge attack against the Israeli commandos involved in the raid on a flotilla of activists heading for Gaza in May which led to the deaths of nine[Turkish] people....."

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