Friday, November 26, 2010

US briefs allies on WikiLeaks dump

US allies around the world have been briefed by American diplomats about an expected release of 3mil classified files by the WikiLeaks website that could cause international embarrassment.

Steve Field, the UK prime minister's spokesman, said on Friday that the government had been told of "the likely content of these leaks" by US Ambassador Louis Susman.

Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, said he spoke on Friday with the US state department, which told him that there would be documents regarding Italy in the leak, "but the content can't be anticipated."

"We're talking about thousands and thousands of classified documents that the US will not comment on, as is their custom," Frattini said.

The governments of Canada, Norway, and Denmark also said they had been briefed by US officials.

Further afield
Israel has been warned of potential embarrassment from the release, which could include confidential reports from the US embassy in Tel Aviv.

Washington also contacted authorities in Ankara, a senior Turkish diplomat told AFP news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity.
According to Turkish media reports, the planned release includes papers suggesting that Turkey helped al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq, and that the US helped Iraq-based separatist Kurdish rebels fighting against Turkey.

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