Wednesday, November 24, 2010

US a kid in a NATO candy store

By Pepe Escobar
Asia Times

"At its Lisbon meeting last weekend, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization gave the American warfare state pretty much everything it wanted, including the green light on a Europe-wide missile shield and the promise of virtually endless war in Afghanistan. It was enough to warm the heart of the most jaded Pentagon praetorian....

The war boutique

Whatever the drama quotient involved, one may be certain that NATO's nuclear/cyber-warfare/missile defense embrace will be striving to include the whole white world. As the Lisbon summit declaration proclaimed: "The promotion of Euro-Atlantic security is best assured through a wide network of partner relationships with countries and organizations around the globe." Translation: Europe, apart from posing as an oversized boutique seducing the Asian consuming hordes, now exists primarily as a forward operating base for war around the globe.

In fact, the US, NATO and the European Union are now on the way to becoming essentially the same entity - as in the president of the EU's European Council, faceless Belgian bureaucrat Herman Van Rompuy, telling NATO leaders in Lisbon: "The ability of our two organizations to shape our future security environment would be enormous if they worked together. It is time to break down the remaining walls between them." Pashtuns of the world unite; if you keep rocking, these walls will definitely crumble."

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