Thursday, December 23, 2010

Assange: Wikileaks to Release Info on Mabhouh, Israel



Finally, Al-Manar perhaps sees Wikileaks as not being a "Zionist conspiracy," as Ahmadinejad has asserted. Still, total silence from Iran.

Good that Al-Manar is showing some independence.

"23/12/2010 The founder of the whistle-blowing WikiLeaks site, Julian Assange, says his website had not yet begun to publish the majority of the information it has on Israel. In an interview with Al-Jazeera [I posted the Arabic story yesterday], Assange said that what has been published on Israel till now constitutes just "1-2%" of the information, which includes intelligence on the Mabhouh assassination and the Second Lebanon War.

Assange, who is in Britain after having been released from custody, added that of the 3,700 documents on Israel in his possession, some 2,700 came from within the Zionist entity.

He also promised to reveal high-level communications on "the assassination of a Syrian official by a sniper", apparently referring to Muhammad Suleiman, who was a top aide to Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The process of revealing all this paperwork is scheduled to take around six months, the website founder said.

But Assange categorically denied rumors that have surfaced recently, regarding a possible deal between WikiLeaks and Israel. "We have had no direct or indirect contact with the Israelis," he said, adding, however, that the Mossad and other intelligence agencies were closely monitoring the website.

In addition, Assange said, publications of various documents depended on the various newspapers and their interest in different subjects. However no deal had been struck with Israel not to publish detrimental findings on the state, he said."

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