Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Attack the Messenger; Ignore the Message and Fabricate: WikiLeaks' founder Assange arrested in London

The Independent

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by officers from Scotland Yard's extradition unit today. The 39-year-old Australian was held when he attended a central London police station by appointment.

He is now expected to appear before a district judge at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court later today.....

Detectives in Sweden want to question Mr Assange after two women claimed they were sexually assaulted when he visited the country in August.

Solicitor Mark Stephens said his client was keen to discover what allegations he was facing so he could clear his name.

He said: "It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law.

"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name.

"He has been trying to meet with her (the Swedish prosecutor) to find out what the allegations are he has to face and also the evidence against him, which he still hasn't seen."....."

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