Sunday, December 26, 2010

Collaborators for Hire: P.A Returns To Israel Stolen Military Vehicle, Weapons, And Hands-in Five Palestinians

"As part of the ongoing security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority of President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority returned to Israel a military vehicle and weapons, and also handed Israel five Palestinians believed to be involved in the issue.

A Palestinian security source stated that the five young men were in possession of the Land Rover military vehicle.

Last Tuesday, Israel announced that a Land Rover military jeep was stolen and that the jeep had gas bombs, grenades and fast response military equipment. The vehicle, which was stolen in Tel Aviv last Tuesday, also included communication equipment; it belongs to a special unit at the Israeli military.

The Israeli security informed the Palestinian Security forces of the issue. The Palestinian security forced investigated the issue and arrested five Palestinians from Jerusalem, and located the jeep.

Last Wednesday, the five and the jeep were handed to Israel at the Benjamin Roadblock."

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