Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dissolve the Palestinian Authority

By Hasan Afif El-Hasan
Palestine Chronicle

".....The Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas has finally realized what everybody knows that the US government would not use its influence on Israel to abide by the international laws; and that the Israelis are very clear about their negotiating positions. Israel would not accept anything more than a symbolic Palestinian state consisting of disconnected Bantustans, no return to the 1967 borders, no removal of settlements and no to the refugees’ right of return.

It is time to consider the call made by many well-respected Palestinians for the PA to “dissolve itself” [It will not; Only USrael will dissolve it after the last drop of juice has been squeezed out of that sour lemon called the PA.], and I add: rescind the PLO’s recognition of Israel and return the keys to the UN. The Palestinians shouldn't recognize Israel if Israel does not recognize their right for self-determination, something they have been fighting and dying for since 1917 when they constituted 95% of Palestine’s population."

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