Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Extreme Hypocrisy of the Empire: While Pushing Sweden to Charge Assange with Fictitious Rape...Rape is rampant in US military

Statistics and soldiers' testimonies reveal a harrowing epidemic of sexual assault in the US military.

By Dahr Jamail


"......While it will go to any length to maintain public silence over the issue, the military machine has no such qualms within its own corridors. Guzman discloses, “Through the gossip mill we would hear of women who had reported being raped. No confidentiality was maintained nor any protection given to victims. The boys’ club culture is strong and the competition exclusive. That forces many not to report rape, because it is a blemish and can ruin your career.”

The department of defence reported that in fiscal year 2009, there were 3,230 reports of sexual assault, an increase of 11 percent over the prior year.

However, as high as the military’s own figures are of rape and sexual assault, victims and advocates Al Jazeera spoke with believe the real figures are sure to be higher....."

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