Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Israel Now Builds Separation Wall With Africa

By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani

"CAIRO - After the separation barrier against Palestinian territories, Israel has begun to build a new wall, this one to keep migrants from Africa out. The new wall is coming up on the Egyptian border, and with Egyptian support.....

Over the last year, Egypt has been building an underground steel barrier along its 14-kilometre border with the Gaza Strip with the ostensible aim of disrupting smuggling operations. Since Israel - and later Egypt - hermetically sealed its border with the strip in 2007, Gaza's roughly 1.5 million inhabitants have come to rely on cross-border tunnels for their most basic needs.

"The frontier zone is becoming a region of walls and fences," Ayman Abdelaziz Salaama, international law professor at Cairo University, told IPS. "For the last ten years, Israel - ever obsessed with its own security - has surrounded itself with walls and fortifications.

"But no country in history has been able to build walls high enough to keep out those determined to get in," he added...."

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