Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Israeli arms firm to benefit from EU-funded research

David Cronin, The Electronic Intifada, 21 December 2010

"BRUSSELS (IPS) - Arms traders are seeking to convince the European Union that publicly-funded scientific research grants should help develop weapons for future wars.

In a series of secret discussions, Brussels officials and representatives of the arms industry are examining if the EU's multi-billion euro "framework program" for research can be used for projects of a military nature....

Although Israel is not formally a member of the European Union, it has been a participant in the EU's science activities since the 1990s. A recent paper by the Quaker Council on European Affairs noted that Israel "appears to be standing out" in its ability to receive funding earmarked for security research. The Quakers expressed concern about how companies that have supplied weapons used against Palestinians and provided services to illegal settlements in the West Bank are among the recipients of EU research grants. The report said: "Israeli industries that profit from the occupation in Palestine should not be eligible to apply for EU funding.""

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