Friday, December 3, 2010

NYT Stokes Fear of Iran

(Click on cartoon by Khalil Bendib to enlarge)

by Ray McGovern, December 03, 2010

"From the very large photo dominating page nine of the New York Times of Nov. 29, you can just tell from the look on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s face, not to mention the endless ranks of military officers standing in rows behind him, that Iran is determined to build a nuclear weapon. Anyone can tell. It’s obvious, right?

Never mind the doubting Thomases in those 16 U.S. intelligence agencies who — this time at least — have been demanding actual evidence before reversing their "high confidence" three years ago that Iran had stopped work on the warhead in the fall of 2003 and their belief that the work hadn’t resumed.

But can’t everyone tell from the defiant look on Ahmadinejad’s face that the Iranian president is a menace to us all?

I know someone will ask about those 19 advanced missiles Iran supposedly bought from North Korea. After all, we have a photo of them in a parade in North Korea, which proves this "mystery missile" really exists — despite some missile experts believing the North Koreans were just wheeling around a mock-up of the missile, not the real thing.

But the missiles — or the mock-ups — still looked real enough to be cited by the likes of Senators Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman to highlight the grave threat from Iran......"

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