Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sayyed Nasrallah: Israeli Threats Do Not Scare Us Anymore


"......Sayyed Nasrallah stressed “we have bargained on the resistance and we’ve triumphed. The people of Palestine will also triumph as long as there is will and determination.”
The S.G. reminded of the recent Israeli threats to Lebanon and firmly said that “such threats don’t scare us and cannot weaken our will. The time when you could scare us is over. Today, we stand in the position of realizing victory. Israeli that is threatening the resistance was defeated by this same resistance in 1993, in 2000, and in 2006. The resistance has defeated all of your generals and will do so again. These threats are a pitiful psychological war that can never have any effect on our hearts and minds. We tell the Zionists that we are in our best shape, our morale has never been better and our preparations and ability to confront you are optimum.”

His eminence underlined Hezbollah’s adherence to the well being of Lebanon and to national unity as well as the sound and humane relationship between the components of the Lebanese people. “We adhere to this dear country which we sacrificed for and we will always be ready to sacrifice for. We declare our rejection to strife between Sunnis and Shiites and we stress the necessity to confront any plans to sow sedition by the US and Israel. We have never resorted to instigation; in fact we believe that those who resort to sectarian instigation are weak. What we need today is to be conscious and overcome challenges. The new conspiracy has an international title and it is meant to target Lebanon and the resistance. We have spoken elaborately about so called Special Tribunal for Lebanon in the past few months. We refuse to be falsely accused and we shall thwart the objectives behind such indictment. We will protect our country against sedition and the conspirators. The conspiracy of the STL will go with the wind just like the fate of previous conspiracies.”......"

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