Monday, December 20, 2010


By Eric Margolis

"Truth is always war’s first victim. After nine years of war in Afghanistan, costing over $100 billion in taxpayer money, Americans still don’t know the full truth about this murky conflict.

They deserve the facts. Instead, more lying and obfuscation from Washington....

The war’s brutality and destruction are growing. US forces around Kandahar are now blowing up or bulldozing houses, assassinating suspected Taliban sympathizers and using mass reprisals against the civilian population. Death squads are hard at work murdering any suspected of backing Taliban and opposing western occupation.

It’s all a repeat of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, even to giant security walls chopping up the landscape and the night raids.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is in something of a panic. How can a bunch of lightly-armed mountain tribesmen in turbans fighting only part-time battle the world’s most powerful armed forces to a standstill?"

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