Thursday, January 27, 2011

Al-Awda Condemns Betrayal by Unelected Palestinian leadership


"Ikhras stands in solidarity and full support of Al-Awda, The Palestine Right To Return Coalition, an authentic, grassroots movement representing the Palestinian community in the United States, and Palestine solidarity activists from all backgrounds.

The Palestine Papers” released this week by Aljazeera have confirmed what we’ve known about the quisling Palestinian Authority (PA). We expect the American Task Force On Palestine, the Washington Public Relations arm of the Israeli-sponsored, Western-funded, American-supervised collaborationist authority in occupied-Ramallah to continue promoting and defending the PA in the wake of the leaked damning evidence of its treason and crimes against the Palestinian people.

We are therefore reminding the supporters of the Palestinian people that the ATFP has virtually no base of support among the Palestinian-American community, and Palestine solidarity activists.

This is the full text of a statement released by Al-Awda in regards to “The Palestine Papers” and the PA. "

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