Monday, January 17, 2011

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Story - The military's role in Tunisia

"After days of rioting, Tunisia's interim leadership says the security situation is now improving. But with President Ben Ali gone, there's a power vacuum - and many are wondering what comes next.

Tunisia's parliamentary speaker Fouad Mebazza was sworn-in as interim president on Saturday. He has promised elections within 60 days.

In the meantime troops are out on the streets to restore order after violence and looting. But as the political uncertainty continues, many Tunisians are wondering what the army's role will now be. A key moment during the weeks of protests came earlier this week when the army's chief of staff was said to have refused a presidential order to open fire on unarmed protesters.

But does that necessarily mean the army will tolerate political change? Inside Story, with presenter Shiulie Gosh, discusses."

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