Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Assassins of Lebanon

Who's to blame for the death of Rafiq Hariri?

by Justin Raimondo, January 19, 2011

"Those who believed we would see a significant change in America’s misguided – indeed, suicidal – foreign policy of global intervention, especially in the volatile Middle East, have surely been sorely disappointed by what President Obama has wrought. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and throughout the region, the present administration has simply continued and even amplified the same failed policies that have brought us to our present pass. Continuity, rather than change, is the leitmotif of US foreign policy in the Age of Obama: like a great ship that is steering its own path, rather than being steered by the captain, America’s imperial course is on automatic pilot.....

The “special” UN Tribunal is a sword pointed at the throat of the biggest single political party in Lebanon. It has no more legitimacy or credibility than such a body would have in deciding who assassinated John F. Kennedy, and why. Yet American commentators and government officials – including President Obama – invoke it as an instrument of “justice.”

The “justice” of the American hegemon has no use for evidence, or legality, except insofar as it can give the appearance of “impartiality” to a process rooted in its imperial designs. Whether Washington is really intending to ignite the Lebanese tinderbox, and start its long-planned war to take down the Iranians, remains to be seen. Israel’s powerful lobby in the US will certainly be pushing for just that outcome – and certainly a new war would provide a welcome diversion for the Obama administration, which is mired in economic and political difficulties......"

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