Sunday, January 2, 2011

EGYPT: Hundreds protest to denounce terrorist attack on Coptic Christians

[We can blame the Mossad, CIA, Corrupt regimes and on and on...When will Arab masses be held responsible for their slumber, inaction and pathetic indifference ?  500 protest the bombing only ?? a typical bus in Cairo carries that many people during rush hour and this is the best they can do ? in any self respecting society the majority is the one that should go down in the street and demand equality and protection for the minorities this goes for Arab states and "Israel" as well.]
Hundreds of Egyptians took part in a demonstration Sunday morning to condemn the church explosion that took the lives of 21 Coptic Christians in the coastal city of Alexandria in the early hours of 2011. 
In the suburb of Shubra, downtown Cairo, some 500 Muslim and Coptic activists, politicians and other civil society leaders led a protest to show solidarity with the Egyptian Coptic minority and to denounce Saturday's deady assault. 
Marchers shouted the slogans, "A Muslim and a Copt hand in hand to create a new dawn," and "Not a police state, not a religious state, we want Egypt to be a secular state," as they carried banners showing the crescent along with the cross, which has been a historical symbol of unity between Egyptian Muslims and Copts. 

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