Friday, January 28, 2011

An eyewitness account of the Egypt protests

We have come together to stop the looting of our country by this regime, writes Ahdaf Soueif in Cairo

Ahdaf Soueif in Cairo
, Friday 28 January 2011

"This is the scene that took place in every district of every city in Egypt today. The one I saw: we started off as about 20 activists, after Friday prayers in a small mosque in the interior of the popular Cairo district of Imbaba. "The people - demand – the fall of this regime!" Again and again the call went out. We started to walk: "Your security. Your police – killed our brothers in Suez."

The numbers grew. Every balcony was full of people: women smiling, waving, dangling babies to the tune of the chants: "Bread! Freedom! Social justice!" Old women called: "God give you victory."....."

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