Saturday, January 29, 2011

From The Angry Arab: Word of caution

Comrade Joseph sent me this (I cite with his permission): "I am very worried that the Americans have taken over the direction of the Egyptian revolution. Let us remember that all possible candidates to replace Mubarak that even al-Jazeera is mentioning today are all handpicked by the Americans, including Barad’i, as well as Army chief of staff Anan, or anyone else for that matter. Obama has proven once more that the biggest anti-democratic force in the Arab world remains the United States, and the biggest enemy of Arab democracy since WWII till now remains the US. This has to be constantly repeated and the Egyptian people must be very cautious in what happens next. The United States wants to mortgage the freedom of all Arabs, including 84 million Egyptians to Israeli security and American profits. This is the crucial game being played today in Egypt in preparation for the maintenance of US power and influence in Egypt. Al-Jazeera must make this the main topic of discussion today." I am not as worried;

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