Monday, January 31, 2011

Interview with Ahmed Moor from Cairo: ‘This is a society-wide program for change’

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A mother with child watches protesters gather in Tahrir Square yesterday.

Adam Horowitz (Mondoweiss)

This morning I had an opportunity to conduct an impromptu interview with Ahmed Moor in Cairo by Skype. He was just returning from Tahrir Square and offers his take on the day's events, and where things seem to be headed in Eqypt. I hope to conduct similar interviews in coming days.

Here is a rush transcript of Moor's comments:

Q. Is ElBaradei mentioned on the street?

There is a unity of purpose [of ousting Mubarak], in every protest and gathering I’ve been to. Just today I’ve been hearing that ElBaradei is a viable alternative, but that’s from just a few people on the street… One man said to me, Now is not the time for us to be thinking who’s next.

Q. A vision of what the day after looks like?

What I’ve been hearing is that people expect the army to step in and quiet things down before elections take place. There is an expectation that elections will take place. That’s the next step.

The rest here (Mondoweiss)

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