Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Israeli Arabs earn less than Jews despite working longer hours, data shows

[I hate the term "Israeli Arab" , I feel it gives legitimacy to the land theft of Palestine at the hands of Zionist colonizers from Europe at the same time de-legitimizing the native Palestinians by giving them a non existent Identity. The Article should say "Palestinian Arabs living inside Israel"  or better yet "Arab 48"] 

Israeli Arab men earn less than their Jewish counterparts for the same work, and Arab women have substantially lower employment rates, according to 2008 data recently released by the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry and the Central Bureau of Statistics.
Only 22% of Israeli Arab women were employed that year, which is substantially lower than the 66.6% figure for Jewish women.
In contrast, the employment figures for Arab and Jewish men that year were almost identical: 67% for Arab men and 68.8% for their Jewish counterparts.
The unemployment rate for Arab women, 11.3%, was substantially higher than the 7.4% rate for Arab men. And both were higher than the comparable rates for Jews: 6.2% for women and 5.4% for men.
In 2007, salaried Arab employees earned an average gross monthly wage of NIS 5,410, substantially less than the NIS 7,885 earned by Jewish employees.
The average gross salary per household was also much lower for Arabs - NIS 8,818, compared to NIS 14,242 for Jewish households. The figures are in gross terms.

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