Thursday, January 20, 2011

Israeli army discharges soldier for shooting Palestinian civilian

Investigation into death of Hebron man says soldier acted 'unprofessionally'

Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem, Thursday 20 January 2011

The IOF slaughters Palestinians with the nonchalance of swatting flies, following the motto, "The only good Arab is a dead Arab!".

"The Israeli military has discharged a soldier for acting "unprofessionally" in shooting dead an unarmed 65-year-old Palestinian man in Hebron earlier this month.

Another soldier, who initiated the firing, was exonerated by investigators because a "suspicious movement caused [him] to feel his life was threatened". The dead man was asleep in bed when soldiers entered the room, according to his family. He was shot multiple times in the head and upper body.

The military said it deeply regretted the death of Amr Qawasme and acknowledged he was a civilian....."

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