Thursday, January 27, 2011

Protesters torch Egypt police post

Police post in city of Suez burnt down as angry protests continue to erupt despite security crackdown.


"Angry demonstrators in Egypt have torched a police post in the eastern city of Suez as unrest continues to spill over onto the streets of several cities despite a security crackdown.

Witnesses told the Reuters news agency that police fled the post before the protesters burned it using petrol bombs on Thursday morning.

Dozens more gathered in front of a second police post later in the morning demanding the release of their relatives who were detained in unprecedented protests that authorities have failed to quell since Tuesday.

Meanwhile, activists trying to oust Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, clashed with police in the capital, Cairo, in the early hours of Thursday.

While the situation was a bit calmer by late Thursday morning, the protests are likely to gather momentum with the arrival of Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning former head of the UN nuclear watchdog and a potential presidential rival to Mubarak.

"I am going back to Cairo and back onto the streets, because, really, there is no choice [When the people lead, the "leaders" will follow! How true.] . You go out there with this massive number of people and you hope things will not turn ugly, but so far, the regime does not seem to have gotten that message," ElBaradei, who lives in Vienna, said in remarks on the US website The Daily Beast......"


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