Wednesday, January 19, 2011

S Arabia quits Lebanon mediation talks. Good! The House of Saud has Been the House of Zion for Some Time, but Now it is in the Open.

Saudi Arabia has decided to pull out of mediation talks on creating a new Lebanese government following the resignation of Hezbollah ministers.

Press TV

"In an interview with Dubai-based Arabic al-Arabiya news channel on Wednesday, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said King Abdullah has decided to “withdraw his hand” from Lebanon.[This was the order from the Imperial bitch, Clinton. The House of Saud can't decide anything for itself.]

He also described the situation in Lebanon as "dangerous" and expressed fears of division [That is why the House of Saud has been arming and financing Salafi terrorists (as in Nahr-El-Bared camp) in Lebanon??] in the nation.

"If the situation reaches full separation and (regional) partition, this means the end of Lebanon as a state that has this model of peaceful cohabitation between (different) religions and ethnicities," he further explained....."

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