Monday, January 17, 2011

Tunisia's protests spark suicide in Algeria and fears through Arab world

Man burns to death in Algeria in echo of man's death that began Tunisian protests while Arab states are nervous

Ian Black Middle East editor, Sunday 16 January 2011

"......Arab opposition forces continued to hail Ben Ali's fall. The Beirut newspaper al-Akhbar saluted "the gift from Tunisia to Arabs: the end of a dictator" while Lebanon's Hezbollah urged Arab leaders to learn from the Tunisian protests.

In Syria, where the Bashar al-Assad regime is just as repressive, the pro-government daily al-Watan said events in Tunisia were "a lesson that no Arab regime should ignore, especially those following Tunisia's political approach of relying on 'friends' to protect them".

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas warned that the leadership of its PLO rival in the West Bank was likely to meet the same fate as Ben Ali.

"Mahmoud Abbas and his sons are among the wealthiest Palestinians," it said. "Fatah leaders are very corrupt. All indications are that the residents of the West Bank, who live under a tyrannical regime, are close to toppling the regime there.""

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