Monday, January 3, 2011

'US media protect war system interests'

Interview with Gareth Porter, an investigative journalist and historian and Dahlia Wasfi, a justice and political analyst

Press TV

"A new study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, confirms reports that US and British forces used depleted uranium ammunitions during the US invasion of Iraq in 2004. The study concludes that the high rate of birth defects and cancer diagnoses in the Iraqi city of Fallujah is caused by these weapons. Washington, however, denies the claims.

Press TV has interviewed Gareth Porter, an investigative journalist and historian in Washington DC and Dahlia Wasfi, a justice and political analyst in Wilmington to further discuss the issue.....

Press TV: Where do you see it going from here. If the US is really responsible for this, what will it take to make them pay for what is going on now in Iraq?

Porter: First of all of course we have to have a mass media communication system in the US, serving the American public and reporting this. Thus far, to my knowledge, no US-based major news organization has reported the results of this study in this environmental health journal despite the fact that the Telegraph and the Guardian, two major news organizations in the UK have just reported it, it has not yet appeared in the American news media and this, I am afraid, is another case where the US news media have very strong tendencies to protect the interests of the war system rather that the intercuts of peace and really dealing with justice and problems related to wars. There are so many cases that one cannot begin to cite the examples of it, but this is a problem that we have to deal with in the US, we have news media that shy away from dealing with the questions of war crimes, not completely, there are exceptions to that.

I can tell you, having focused on this extensively both during the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war and the Vietnam War, that US news media have an aversion to taking on the question of war crimes. They report, very often, some of the evidence that something very wrong is going on but systematically they shy away from actually talking about violations of the laws of war, in wars that the US troops carry out in foreign countries....."

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