Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anatomy of Egypt's Revolution

Conditions and Consequences



"Like perfect storms, several factors have to simultaneously and collectively come together for popular uprisings or protests, even massive ones, to turn into a revolution. That is why only a few of them have been successful in world history. A revolution is, by definition, a successful struggle embraced by the masses that radically alters the existing political, economic, and social order.

The triumphs of the American, French, Russian, Cuban, and Iranian revolutions were the exceptions. While each one had its genesis in battling an oppressive or corrupt existing political system, each engendered its own unique features while satisfying distinctive conditions in order to produce a successful outcome....

So what are the elements that distinguish the Egyptian revolution?

Historians will most likely debate for many years the various factors that came together to set off the uprising that turned it into a triumphant revolution. However, the most significant and distinctive features are outlined here. They are:

Popular revolution: ......

The Role of the Youth:.....

The Role of Women:......

Non-ideological and homogeneous:....

Disciplined and focused:......

Decentralized and highly organized leadership:....

Steadfastness, bravery and determination:......

Creative and resourceful:.....

Ingenious use of technology:....

Effective media strategy:.....

Neutralization of the Army:...

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