Sunday, February 20, 2011

Appeal to spare Libyan civilians

Around 50 Muslim leaders call for end to civilian deaths after security crackdown on funeral procession of protesters.

"More than 100 people have been killed in Libya since protests broke out across the North African nation six days ago, according to a watchdog group.

New York City-based Human Rights Watch said on Sunday that it now estimated at least 104 people had died in the unrest, though it called that figure "conservative".

Witnesses in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city, tell Al Jazeera that at least 200 people have died there, with hundreds more wounded. Protests have also reportedly broken out in other cities, including Bayda, Derna, Tobruk and Misrata.

In Tripoli, the capital, supporters of the government took to the streets in large numbers, and security forces prevented large demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year reign.

Benghazi a war zone'

Moftah, a Benghazi man who requested Al Jazeera use only his first name, said the city had become a "war zone" in recent days.

Residents have barricaded the streets with overturned trash cans and debris, and security forces have largely confined themselves to two compounds, though they continue to snipe at protesters, he said.....

Unrest 'spreading'

The unrest in Libya has largely been centred in the eastern cities of Benghazi, Bayda and Tobruk. But Al Jazeera has received reports that the protests have begun to spread to the country's west....."

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