Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bread, dignity and lies

By Pepe Escobar

"As a part of the mix in raising bread prices, Wall Street greed is a crucial specter in the hunger of the working-class masses now entering the battle in Egypt. And with Vice President Omar "Sheik al-Torture" Suleiman warning that the only alternative to dialogue with the opposition is "a coup", the street sees any mention of talk for what it is; a mirage. No wonder the protests are getting bigger......

And this would be only the beginning; a truly sovereign Egyptian government won't possibly behave as a subservient US satrapy. But now there's no turning back. The street knows that it simply can't pack up and go home - as the regime badly wants.

They know that in the dead of night Suleiman could order his immense "secret" goon squad to ship the hundreds of thousands of them to the torture chambers he runs on behalf of the CIA, such as Abu Zaabal, or the maximum-security dungeon Scorpion, so they can be waterboarded, or electro-shocked upside down, or forced to lie in a electrified bed frame, or be beaten by electric cattle prods, or be anally raped by specially trained dogs, or have their spines hyper-extended to the point of fracture, or be kept for days in the dreaded "tiny coffin" cage, or simply be left to rot wrapped head to toe in duct tape, like a mummy.

And Suleiman would be there to supervise it all. All in secret, of course, so the "international community" would not be disturbed in their silent praise of "stability". "

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