Sunday, February 27, 2011

Deaths in Oman protests

And Now It is........OMAN!

At least two people reportedly killed in industrial town of Sohar as police clash with anti-government demonstrators.

"At least two people have been killed in an industrial town in Oman, after police fired rubber (??) bullets on anti-government protesters.

The demonstrations occurred on Sunday, in the town of Sohar, where the military moved in to secure the area, witnesses told the Reuters news agency.

Protesters had gathered to demand political reforms, and a witness said that "two people died after police fired rubber bullets in the crowd".

Basma al-Rajhi, a political activist, told Al Jazeera that protesters had gathered from all over the country to demand reforms, and that tear gas was also used to break up the demonstrations.

"Demonstrations were also held [in the city of] Salalah," she said.

The protests in Oman come amid rising political tensions in the Middle East and North Africa, with uprisings and protests in Bahrain, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya."

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