Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egypt-Inspired Protests Across Middle East Meet Violent Clampdown

Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, UAE, Yemen Suppress Demonstrations

Human Rights Watch

"(New York) - Governments in the Arab world have violently dispersed demonstrations apparently inspired by or in solidarity with Egypt's democracy protesters and have detained some of the organizers, Human Rights Watch said today.

The security forces' clampdown is part and parcel of regular prohibitions on public gatherings in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, the West Bank, and Yemen. These governments curtail free expression and assembly despite the fact that almost all of the region's countries have signed international agreements protecting both rights, Human Rights Watch said.

"Images of the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have mesmerized the Arab public but have terrified their rulers," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "They have responded with their usual mix of repression and intimidation to nip the buds of any wider democratic blossoming."

Palestinian Authority/Hamas

The Palestinian Authority's police used violence against peaceful demonstrators during a rally in Ramallah on February 2, 2011, to support the protesters in Egypt. Witnesses told Human Rights Watch that regular police and "special forces," identifiable by their uniforms, punched, kicked, and detained participants, as well as at least two journalists and a Human Rights Watch research assistant.

On January 30, Palestinian Authority security had shut down a solidarity demonstration in front of the Egyptian embassy in Ramallah, after calling in one of the organizers for questioning multiple times on January 29 and ordering him to cancel the event notice that he had created on Facebook.

Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip quashed a solidarity demonstration on January 31. The police arbitrarily arrested six women and threatened to arrest another 20 people, who had responded to a call on Facebook for a demonstration, as soon as they arrived at the Park of the Unknown Soldier in Gaza City.



Saudi Arabia....



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