Monday, February 7, 2011

Egypt: 'Omar Suleiman was part of the old system. We want a new system'

In Tahrir Square, Christians and Muslims link hands in common cause and suspicion of US motives in backing ex-security chief

Chris McGreal in Cairo, Sunday 6 February 2011

"....Many were wary of the apparent deal being cooked up between Washington and Suleiman, with European backing, for the old regime to oversee the transition to democracy.

"If Mubarak is still president, nothing will happen. If he will leave, then Omar Suleiman, no problem if he meets our demands," said Amr Mahmoud, who has spent 12 days in the square with his wife, Reem. "But Suleiman was part of the old system. We want a new system."

Mahmoud was among many pro-democracy demonstrators suspicious of US backing for Suleiman's plan to control the transition. After all, Suleiman was head of the intelligence services that played a commanding role in suppressing political dissent and free speech.

He also served the US in co-operating with its rendition of alleged terrorists, some of whom were interrogated under torture on behalf of the Americans in Egyptian jails.

"Why does America want to work with this man?" asked Mahmoud. "He has not been good for Egypt. He has not been good for us. He has served Mubarak and he has served America. We do no trust him and if they have chosen him, then we do not trust America. We will stay here until we get what we want."...."

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