Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egypt protesters gain ground

Labour unions stage country-wide strikes and pro-democracy protesters extend demonstrations to the parliament buildings.


Great! This is the way to topple the regime peacefully!

Through massive civil disobedience, the people should totally paralyze the state. The workers should be the organizers of nation-wide strikes to shut down factories, ports, government and private offices, etc. The workers played a key role in Tunisia.

Students, teachers and college professors should declare a strike and close schools and universities until the regime collapses.

Journalists should refuse to work for the regime's propaganda outlets and should join the protesters.

And much, much more.

"The Egyptian cabinet building in Cairo has been evacuated and officials relocated after pro-democracy protesters gathered outside, sources tell Al Jazeera.

Pro-democracy demonstrations are gaining momentum in the Egyptian capital, with some protesters moving from Tahrir [Liberation] Square to camp out in the area outside the parliament buildings.

Protesters are demanding the assembly's immediate dissolution. The developments came as public rallies calling for Hosni Mubarak to hand over power immediately entered their sixteenth day.....

Union support

Outside parliament, protesters had gathered on Wednesday with blankets and had no plan to move, our correspondent reported. The demonstrators have a sign put up that says: "Closed until the fall of the regime".

Meanwhile, labour unions across Egypt, mobilised by the pro-democracy momentum, were staging strikes demanding higher wages and better treatment from their employees.

Strikes were taking place nationwide, including in Mahalla and Suez. Numbers are said to have reached around 10,000 workers at various factories in different cities over the past 24 hours, Al Jazeera correspondents reported.

"It is a significant gain for the pro-democracy supporters" if the unions get involved in demonstrations, Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reported from Cairo....."

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